
Just recently (well maybe for the past year) I have been very busy making the rented house that we live in a home. One of the things that have made this space feel like home is our backyard chickens.

Good morning ladies

Last year I had an incredibly significant dream. I dreamt that I was at my mum’s house and I was tending a garden in the back yard, I was also creating mosaic arts works. As I was doing this I said “but I don’t live here, it’s not my house?” and God replied “this is your inheritance” and I repeated “but I don’t own this house any more, we sold it” and again God said “this is your inheritance” and again I insisted to God “we sold the house, it doesn’t belong to me” and finally God’s answer “Tamar, this is your inheritance”

I woke from and knew immediately what the dream was about. God was telling me that even though I am living in a rented house I am to love it as though I own it. I was being told and given permission by the almighty God to live like a child with an inheritance.

That’s quite a revelation to walk in and one that has given me much peace an excitement. You see by following what God has instructed me to I have been busy planting gardens and building a positive future. Okay, what if the landlord boots us out?


The knowledge that I have gained in my heart about gardens, design or sustainability can never be taken from me. The land lord only has a piece of paper that declares that he is the owner of the property and we take care of the property and pay the rent as responsible citizens that we are.

My inheritance is much more than just ownership……it goes deeper than that.

So enough of the chit-chat and here is some pictures of the creative fun that I have been having making this little abode more than just a dwelling.











This is just the beginning and my head is buzzing with joy as I live as one who has an inheritance in God.




Heart’s Desires and 2014

I would have to say that 2014 was a year where many of my heart’s desires have come to realisation or, that I have done something that has been out of my comfort zone and normal routine.

The year started with us owning chickens. We have been chicken people now for a whole year. In that time we have enjoyed fresh eggs, we have watched broody chooks look after their babies and have felt the warm fuzzy feelings that one has when one owns chooks.

One of the major big things for me this year was when I went on a cruise. I was a cruise virgin before and now I have been converted and will say….”cruises are awesome”

I also got to celebrate my belated 40th and just renamed it my double 21st. Thank you all who came to celebrate with me as I now have some special memories of you all. It was also great how all the kids that came enjoyed themselves the most. To me this is how you know you have hosted a great party. As part of my hearts desire I got to deck the place out in Tamar style, which is something to get excited about.

One of the most crazy and out there things that I got to be a part of was a pantomime where we performed it in the community garden. It started of as a silly idea that grew into an experience that I will never forget. It fulfilled my need to perform, to execute an idea, to have a dream, to play dress ups, to gather people of all different talents, to see people discover their talent, to have fun, to see others have fun, to meet new people and to celebrate community.

Invitation to BHCG Pantomime

This year also fulfilled one of my long-awaited desire for Christians gathering from all different churches to worship God. This came about when my husband and I met Patrick on Facebook and from there Worship mob Shellharbour was birthed.

One of the most oddest desires that came to pass this year was the opportunity to be buried in mud. Oh yes…..it was ammmmmmazzzzing.

One of the most relaxing things that I have ever experienced. For more info check out Mud fun Australia 

And finally the last day of the year Jason and myself got to experience a zip line through the tree tops. It’s something that I have always wanted to do and now, if you live in the Illawarra area you can.

How many unreal things can happen in just one year? and this is only a glimpse of what my heart has seen. I look forward to 2015 and I can see that I will have to put more desires within my heart as I am sure there are more fun things to experience in life.

Happy New Year everyone!!!







This Is Me Right Now

How can I describe all the awesome stuff that this happening in my life right now? It’s kind of difficult to sit and reflect without wanting to jump up and scream and shout I’m living the dream people, I’m living the dream”

Any way calm down

The pantomime is nearly here and it’s been such an exciting and fun journey.

Invitation to BHCG Pantomime

and we made it into the local paper

I have also been approached to be a part of a youth leadership program where we get to play with mud

Watch this space people, watch this space

Another exciting thing which has emerged is the possibility of teaming up with other worshippers in this city who go to different churches

Worship Mob Shellharbour 

How can I contain this excitement? I can’t. I think this meme says it all


Obtain A Yield: Permaculture Principle No 3.

Permaculture is an enjoyable way to live and if you are an enthusiast then you will be aware of the 12 permaculture principles.

As I am a person who needs to digest things over time my focus has been on principle 3 – Abtain a Yeild. It’s about enjoying the abundance and not missing out….well that’s my interpretation.

My focus for this point is to use the humble chicken.

Oh look at those beautiful chickens.

We feed the chickens and then we get eggs.

we eat the eggs and soon we will sell from our overflow which will pay for the food we feed them.

Another by-product from the chooks is poo.

I use the poo to make more no dig gardens.

That’s free fertilizer.

I also find harvesting the poo quite relaxing and it contributes to my good mental health. (who knew that collecting chicken poo could be so relaxing)

Another by product is the eggs shells, which we crush then using them for various reasons.

I will also add, how relaxing this activity is to do and afterwards my hands feel all nice and smooth.

When the chickens are finished being productive I have no problem with using them as stock.

A soup made from chicken stock is the most comforting food one can ever experience.

I love our chooks and they make me happy and I think that’s the best benefit of having chickens. I love hugging them, being at home with them, I love how they are productive, I love how they sound, I love how they invite me to enjoy the outdoors and I love how I was challenged to build a fence in my backyard.

I have been obtaining my yield with passion and gusto.

When you get into gardening remember to obtain your yield.

Train Date

Today I took my little man for a train date and it was a lovely and enjoyable experience. Every holidays he asks about going on the train so this holiday I put it in my diary to make sure it happened.

I decided that Thirroul would be a nice place to venture.

When we arrived we walked to the beach and my son played at this super-duper park

And to my surprise, Thirroul has an Olympic sized salt water pool…..and what a lovely looking pool it is indeed.

Thirroul beach also has moments where one can practice their parkour if one so chooses to do so.

We then went for a walk to Austinmer beach, with some more parkour along the way.

The Austie beach rock pools were rocking today and I was impressed with the committed swimmers that I witnessed today bobbing about out there.

I love how the dressing room building reflected the ocean. It was all harmonious and music to my eyes.

After our walking excursion to Austinmer we headed back to Thirroul for some refreshments before the trip home. We entered one cafe and asked if they served ham sandwiches. No they didn’t, but they served toast. I was thinking, You could just serve the bread pre-toasted? I took a moment to ponder this question and thought, I don’t think that they deserve my intelligence nor money so we went somewhere else.

Yeah for people who serve sandwiches. Tin Shed Cafe

The food and service were great and I’ll be going back there again for sure. We had lunch, used the elevators at the station (a new obsession) and enjoyed the train ride back home. A lovely successful day if you ask me.


Cruising The Australia Day Weekend.

On the Australia Day weekend four of us coffee group girls (we are a support group for carers) got on a cruise and had the best time away from our normal lives.

For me the cruise turned out to have many unexpected layers of awesomeness. I used to think that cruisers were a lame way to experience a holiday and that idea got totally smashed to bits!!!!

Dancing, eating, enjoying the paced out cocktail or two

flying foxes, having a dip in the pool

laughing, waving my arms around, being a part of a morning show and spectator

unwinding, decompressing, lots of smiles.

One of my most memorable moments that happened, was when we sailed out of the harbour and every one was happy, cheerful and excited. I decided that I wanted to go on the flying fox, only to find out that I was over the limit. First time in my life EVER have I failed a breath test!!!!!!!

Check out the line on top of the image. That’s the flying fox

That night while going out the heads the sea was quite rough and many, including myself got seasick. It was just as well Jody talked me into nipping the sickness in the bud by getting some tablets.

The next day I felt great and the ship was back in the harbour ready for some Australia day festivities.

Part of the entertainment for the day was Mahalia Barnes and Prinny Stevens.

That night we had some fireworks, but just quietly, they were a bit piddly…………….. yet someone did point out that we were 14 stories high.

Then it was time to put on our dancing shoes and dance the night while we sailed out of the harbour again…not so rough this time.

We all knew that Sunrise would be broadcasting live from the ship the next day but we didn’t realise that we were headed to my home town Kiama. Out of preparation for the show we all made a sign.

This is the sign that I made for the Sunrise show

The next day it was exciting to see my home town from the ocean and I couldn’t help but brag to who ever would listen about our beautiful surrounds.

I did stand for about half an hour to be a part of the crowd, but I gotta be honest……the bacon from the buffet was calling me!

For me, the excitement was how many of my local friends on Facebook were posting pictures of our ship from the shore and the stir it caused. It even made local media; Kiama Independent and Illawarra Mercury .

It was such a great experience that left me relaxed and ready to face life again. Here are some shots that I took on the last day, I hope you enjoy them.

Thanks for the fun girls

Creating Memories

Today a group of my garden peeps from both Barrack Heights and Albion Park community garden went on an adventure to harvest some bamboo.

However, a few of us got distracted by the mulberry trees and that was it…….fair share for all, fair share. 

As we were gathering and eating we reminisced about our childhoods. My Granny had a huge mulberry tree at the house by the river and another near the railway track. I have delightful memories of gorging on the fruit, climbing the tree and getting messy.

This made me think of how times have changed and children today have less access to this type of experience. This moves me to want to create memories for today’s children.  When this generation of children grow up, I want them to have memories that connect them with nature. I want them to experience the simple joy of what we did today. I want to leave a legacy.

Richard Louv is a great advocate for this kind of thing and it was after viewing one of his lectures that compelled me to get involved with Barrack Heights Community Garden. I’m so glad that I followed that prompt as it has changed my life in ways that I could never have imagined.

So here’s to taking action to create wonderful memories for tomorrows adults and a future where nature is valued as it should be.

Oh yes, this is a selfy of me gorging on the mulberries!!!


Being a part of a community garden is a great way to experience life. Most weeks while we are there, someone cooks a feed and we are able to enjoy sunshine, food and company.

Last Tuesday was no different, yet I felt very reflective of the day and of what happens when we meet there. I love the simplicity of  how food is harvested and nothing is wasted. I love how the fresh food is cooked, shared and friendships are either developed or maintained. I love how nothing is rushed and just being yourself is encouraged.

Is life meant to be like this somehow? What do we need in life? For a while now God has been showing me about his love using the illustration of a garden. I am learning about provision, friendship/family, sustainability and seeking the Fathers heart.

I do not want to chase worldly ways but heavenly ways. Perhaps my mind is on Heavenly thoughts but the garden keeps me grounded yet connected with God

So what did we eat? Sweet potato, parsnips, potato’s, kale, spinach and other greens. I also like this style of cooking as there is no recipe but use what is available coupled with creativity.

Oh such simplicity!!!!

A Funny Thing Happened at The Servo

For a couple of months now there has been a group of community members who have been cleaning up a local eyesore to make it into a place of inspiration and creativity. Last month another community artist and myself started painting some murals on one half of the servo walls.

However, a wonderful volunteer with a spray gun got very enthusiastic when they were asked to paint the other half of the servo and ended up painting over our started murals.


My response is “That’s okay, I can do it again. There’s plenty more from where that came from”

And that has got me thinking. It doesn’t matter how many times my work gets painted over or lost as there is always an abundance of where it came from. I guess the world can attempt to white wash me or quieten me down, however it won’t work completely as while there is creativity there will always be something to express.

It then occurred to me that I am indeed a very rich and wealthy person as I have an abundance of ideas that makes me have an interesting life. I have to say that my results are not the most important part for me, as the act of creativity is what gets my buttons pushed to excitement.

I’ll finish with this little thought and by saying so I hope that I can inspire a would be artist to just get started and give it a  go!!!!

 I am a prolific artist and work with the premise that I do 90% rubbish to get to the 10% genius.