Rocket Stove

Yesterday I helped build a mud brick rocket stove at the community garden which is situated at Access Community Group in Corrimal. We used the mud that I was immersed in before Christmas last year

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After our mudstomp last year we put our homogenised mixture of sand and clay in plastic bins and bags to use for another day and yesterday was that other day.

First we got rocks and formed a basic frame

Once the structure was complete we then got to decorate our stove with smashed tiles. There was much deep conversation while we engaged in creativity.

Mud is fun, creative and practical

#Day 1…..100 Happy Days

This is the photo that started it off. Why did I choose this? Well it was looking at me and the memory surrounding the bunting was a good one. I made it as part of my birthday celebration in March.  I found that having a party was a good excuse to do some event styling.

That was such a great night for me, as missing my 40th had a tinge of sadness. I also loved how all of my mates were together in the one room and the night showed me how far I had come through grief. I believe that night marked a whole new day for me. I’ve been in celebration mode ever since.

What do I celebrate?

My life, it is good. I come from a good family, I have a good family, I have good friends, I go to a good church, I have community around me, I am living the dream and my future is bright.

So now this bunting is on my curtain rod looking groovy and making me feel all gypsy like……….note, this is not a Pintrest fail.

I am happy that i made this bunting

100 Days Of Happiness

Yesterday I completed my 100 happy day challenge  and I was kind of relieved. It was a great thing to do and really wasn’t that difficult , I just had to remember to do it each day.

Here is the link if you want to take a peak of my 100 photo’s 

I have decided that a good writing exercise would be, for me to let each photograph inspire some writing. I won’t do it every day, maybe once a week and  will put each post in the 100 happy day category. I’m looking forward to this, as it will help me stay consistent when writers block tries to muzzle in on my creative territory.

If you want to take the 100 happy day challenge, I highly recommend.

This Is Me Right Now

How can I describe all the awesome stuff that this happening in my life right now? It’s kind of difficult to sit and reflect without wanting to jump up and scream and shout I’m living the dream people, I’m living the dream”

Any way calm down

The pantomime is nearly here and it’s been such an exciting and fun journey.

Invitation to BHCG Pantomime

and we made it into the local paper

I have also been approached to be a part of a youth leadership program where we get to play with mud

Watch this space people, watch this space

Another exciting thing which has emerged is the possibility of teaming up with other worshippers in this city who go to different churches

Worship Mob Shellharbour 

How can I contain this excitement? I can’t. I think this meme says it all


I will Call This Hope

This morning as I was walking to coffee I spotted an awesome sight. It gave me so much excitement that I crossed the road to take pictures.

Why is this so exciting? Or why should this deliver me some hope?

In the wake of our recent budget announcement there is a lot of discouragement within the community that I belong to. Even before the budget announcement there was a general discouragement that had tried to set camp in the community sector. So many people don’t even know if they will have a job in the near future due to cuts to funding.

Although I spent a day feeling great sadness for the future, I decided to turn my eyes up and put my trust in Jesus and found this comforting scripture in Job 5: 15-16 He saves the needy from the sword in their mouth;  he saves them from the clutches of the powerful.So the poor have hope,and injustice shuts its mouth.

Whoo hoo!!

So why does this give me hope? Get to the point Tamar!

This image gives me hope as it shows me that someone is partaking in creativity instead of vandalism. Somebody in the community decided to have some fun engaging in a productive activity instead of mindless violence.

In an area where one often witnesses abandoned shopping trolleys, broken glass, human faeces, syringes, burnt rubbish and general waste the sight of this was like a beacon in the dark.

It’s symbolic of a hopeful future. Lets not give of on hope people. The future is bright.

Hey Brother

I’m soooo loving this song right now. I can’t stop playing it and I’m driving both my husband and son crazy (mummy, that’s giving me a headache)

Besides being a really catchy tune I think that it’s a special song. Firstly this song was playing when I went on the cruise with my coffee group. How awesome it felt going under the harbour bridge with everyone in the party mood with this song playing.



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Secondly, I’m finding that the lyrics have a special meaning to me

Hey brother! There’s an endless road to rediscover
Hey sister! Know the water’s sweet but blood is thicker
Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do

Hey brother! Do you still believe in one another?
Hey sister! Do you still believe in love? I wonder
Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do

What if I’m far from home?
Oh brother, I will hear you call!
What if I lose it all?
Oh sister, I will help you hang on!
Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do

Hey brother! There’s an endless road to rediscover
Hey sister! Do you still believe in love? I wonder
Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do

What if I’m far from home?
Oh brother, I will hear you call!
What if I lose it all?
Oh sister, I will help you hang on!
Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do

After much jiggy jigging when listening to this song I have really come to appreciate it with more depth as I finally listened to the words. It makes me think of the special people who surround me and who add value to my life. Family and friends who lift me up and make this journey a more joyful place.

I thank God for all of my groups that have filled in so much of the grief where my mum is missing. Thank you friends, you know who you are. Apologies if I haven’t included a picture of you, I have tried to represent you all xxx

It’s Never Too Late To Celebrate

I’ve had a wonderful birthday weekend which has taught me that it’s never too late to celebrate a milestone. Two years ago when I turned 40 it was all pretty low-key and I was in no place to celebrate anything.

There had been a tinge of regret for not celebrating my 40th and for some reason I got the brain wave of having a belated 40th which turned into my double 21st!!


I felt like a genius when it all fell into place…..My double 21st on the 21st of March!!! Now that’s much better then having a 40th.

I then got started my planing and started making awesome things like buntings and joined Pintrest…

I went op shopping and found awesome things to style the venue

After collecting all of the wonderful things for styling the venue, I realised that I’d overlooked my outfit so off I went in search and the last op shop I came to I found the perfect dress…$3

I then had to consider my hair style and thought after much Printesting that the Farrah flicks are a must, so I bought curlers.

Grrr Baby

It became much more exciting when it was time to style the venue. It felt like the place became my giant canvas. Oh how I love creativity.

and of course, the party itself which would have been nothing without all of my wonderful guests.

Thank you all my people, you mean so much to me. I look at this birthday with joy and I am glad that I had the opportunity to celebrate a belated mile stone.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Community

The community is made of of many faces such as this crowd at the Carols last Friday night

However, the community is more than just the crowd,

it’s a bloke like this who raised money for a local charity by walking a long distance

or it’s hanging out with my church peeps and putting on a Nativity play for Christmas

or it’s going to the Village markets with my garden peeps

or doing coffee with my support group


Community is you and me.

Garden Love

I’ve made an interesting observation about gardeners; that they are always wanting to share their produce with an abundance of enthusiasm.  Does gardening make one generous? I think that when you partake in gardening that it connects you to the earth and also for me,  it connects me to a facet of God’s love. Gardening is like art, there is something abundant about the nature of such activities and withholding seems such a ludicrous thing to do.

I have found that gardening is better shared. When I reflect back at my experience as a lone gardener I got discouraged very quickly and found myself not enjoying the process any more. Today I am not alone. Although I am not on an eco-village in a straw-bail house (which was the original dream), I am in the middle of suburbia with a strong connection to my local community garden. I can’t express how awesome that makes me feel right now!!!!

The best part of putting this garden together today is, how nothing cost me a cent. Last time I bought everything. I was able to obtain the seed  potato’s from the community garden and the newspaper, compost and mulch were all in my back yard waiting to be used.

The rocks were also obtained from my back yard. I love how I have spent nothing.

I want to live simply and enjoy the abundance that God has for me………I think I can say that I’m living the dream right now 🙂


Being a part of a community garden is a great way to experience life. Most weeks while we are there, someone cooks a feed and we are able to enjoy sunshine, food and company.

Last Tuesday was no different, yet I felt very reflective of the day and of what happens when we meet there. I love the simplicity of  how food is harvested and nothing is wasted. I love how the fresh food is cooked, shared and friendships are either developed or maintained. I love how nothing is rushed and just being yourself is encouraged.

Is life meant to be like this somehow? What do we need in life? For a while now God has been showing me about his love using the illustration of a garden. I am learning about provision, friendship/family, sustainability and seeking the Fathers heart.

I do not want to chase worldly ways but heavenly ways. Perhaps my mind is on Heavenly thoughts but the garden keeps me grounded yet connected with God

So what did we eat? Sweet potato, parsnips, potato’s, kale, spinach and other greens. I also like this style of cooking as there is no recipe but use what is available coupled with creativity.

Oh such simplicity!!!!