The Lion of the tribe of Judah….ROARS!!!!!

The story of this painting is very interesting and a testimony of how God can use you with out you even realising it. Going back now a few years ago a former Pastor had a dream of me painting as he was preaching. At the time I didn’t really receive that as my life had recently seen a lot of turmoil and doing a churchy thing seemed out of the question!

I can say at the time I was very disillusioned and felt incredibly unloved, so why would I adventure to bare my soul painting in this kind of environment? So I did what any normal disappointed with the church person would do, I refused to do it.  Other reasons for me at the time for not participating were, concern for my Son who would run a muck in church and secondly I felt that my next spiritual painting was to be “The Lion of the tribe of Judah!!!

I could not for the life of me see myself doing this painting challenge . I wasn’t shy as I’d done this kind of thing before and I knew my capabilities as an artist. No, it just wasn’t the right time. Six months later I started to feel a challenge from the Lord that it was time to take up what was asked of me, so I did.

I did attempt to paint the Lion at home but it wasn’t working so we decided that I should paint it for the church service. I knew something powerful was happening to me as I was painting. I felt  from this experience that God was going to set me free of a lot of things. I painted with enjoyment and really didn’t think about the viewer’s or the preaching.

So the moment passed and I enjoyed myself and received a lot of encouragement from the congregation and I was given an offering of money and the pastor received the painting. It didn’t really bother me at the time that the painting wasn’t in my possession. I am a prolific painter and for me it was just another painting.

Time passed and the Church had a shake up, things weren’t right with the top leadership and they stepped down. It was a good and healthy thing to happen and as a result The Authority of Jesus Christ was reestablished. The Word of God was once again made the focus of our preaching and true worship of the Lord was made right.

So what has this painting have to do with anything? One of our church ladies had a word for me. What she said to me was  that when I painted the Lion it was prophetic for my life and for the church. You see the Lion of the tribe of Judah is about the Authority of Jesus Christ. In the book of  revelation it says

The way I interpret this situation along with scripture is, that no man can take the place of Jesus.  If you are going to stand up and proclaim Jesus Christ then don’t misrepresent him. I see it as a warning to my life, as I am far from perfect and it encourages me to keep short account’s with God.

It’s a powerful reminder to not become a hypocrite and mess with people’s minds and vulnerability. To never take for granted the position of authority that The Lord has given me. To be a difference in this world for the goodness and glory  of God.

It was then to my delight that the painting made its return to my possession. Since getting it back I’ve been able to share it with other’s and be encouraged by their response. It amazes me that something so simple can affect people on a level beyond words.   I am truly blessed and I hope that this blog makes sense to you and blesses your heart too? I also pray that it gives you hope for the future.

An easy craft idea!!!

Today I visited a playgroup with a fun craft idea. This idea is simple and inexpensive. As you can see from the photo’s below all you need is clear contact, masking tape, cellophane paper, glitter, and lots of pretty scraps that you can get your hands on.

  • First you need to masking tape the contact onto a solid surface, sticky side up.
  • then have the children place the pieces of scrap cellophane, glitter and what ever else you have available on to the sticky surface.
  • once they have had their fun you then place another piece of contact over the work of art to then make a stain glass window.
  • then sticky tape it to a window and it’s very pretty to look at and the children can feel proud of their work of art.

Please note that this idea can easily be expanded by using leaves, sand and other things from nature. You could make a string one with all types of different twine and pieces of fabric.. You could also make the pieces of contact smaller and therefore  individual. Have fun creating friends and bloggers!!

Don’t forget your disability sticker!!

This note was found on the windscreen of a friend of mine. We were doing our regular coffee morning that consists of those who have a child with a disability and on this  particular morning Jody had brought along her daughter who has a disability.

We were all sitting having a nice coffee when one of our coffee buddy’s noticed something flapping sinisterly under Jody’s windscreen wiper so he went to investigate.  On his return he had a note in his hand and he was having a nice chuckle to himself. He showed us the note that he retrieved from Jody’s car windscreen.

It was then realized by Jody that she’d indeed had forgotten to place the disabled sticker on her car. We all felt it to be a completely ironic situation but Jody herself felt a bit bad as she herself know’s  all too well the qualms of missing out on the disabled parking spot!!!!

So what does this situation teach us? Don’t forget your disabled sticker!!!!!!!

Goofy is Awesome!!!

How funny, this afternoon I was feeling a little vulnerable about my son and when I went to pick him up I saw this written on one of the outside blackboard’s. It instantly cheered me up, so out came my iphone and I captured a shot!!!  It’s amazing what God can do to encourage your heart. The little person who did this, wouldn’t have a clue as to the impact of their chalk expression. So thank you whoever you are and thank you God for cheering me up!!! 🙂

It breaks my heart

My son has VCFS and he is my blessing. VCFS stands for Velo, Cardio, facial, syndrome or aka 22q del 11.2. He was diagnosed when he was 18 months old, today he is 5. We love him very much and he is very precious to us.

Now that he is 5 his attempts to socialize have become more frequent and he now has begun to put value in making friends. It has been lovely to watch this new desire unfold and I’m very proud of him. However, I am noticing how he attempts to make contact with kids his own age and it doesn’t quite work. You can see the other child give him a funny look and then you see my son back away. It’s like the other child can pick up that there’s something a bit different about my Son. I’m not blaming the other child, they are just being normal and are just going by their own instincts.

I then look at my son and a look of confusion crosses his face, he doesn’t understand the rejection. So he goes and introduces himself to an adult who usually talks back with a smile on their face. When I give myself time to think about this, it breaks my heart. I don’t want my son to grow up thinking that he’s a weirdo. I want him to know how loved he is and his differences are beautiful.

Right now I feel vulnerable and I’m just sharing my heart. Tomorrow I will be fine and I’ll pick up the mantel of love and continue to be brave for my Son who is more than just VCFS.

It’s too hot to blog

I really want to post a blog for my blog weekly challenge but it’s just so hot!!! It’s 11:50pm and it’s still about  28 deg!!! I have a few drafts ready and waiting for me to finish but I can’t concentrate, it just too hot. So instead of working on what I really want to say I’m just going worbigch (I just made that word up) and just say what ever comes to mind.

I had a wonderful time at home group tonight as I always enjoy the company of my Christian friends. I also feel like i’m having a revival of some kind. I became a Christian about 22 years ago and I haven’t lost the passion of knowing Jesus. Yes I’m a self-confessed nut case and proud of it. I worship a bloke who lived 2000 years ago, performed miracles, preached love and stuff and broke up a whole lot of bread for a whole lot of people.

He proclaimed he was the Son of God and had the power to not only deliver people from demons but forgive sin as well. He upset the religious establishment and allowed himself to be brutalised and killed for the love of all mankind. So yep, I’m a nut case and glad to be so!!!!!

Oh yeah, I also believe he conquered death and is alive today!!!!