Obtain A Yield: Permaculture Principle No 3.

Permaculture is an enjoyable way to live and if you are an enthusiast then you will be aware of the 12 permaculture principles.

As I am a person who needs to digest things over time my focus has been on principle 3 – Abtain a Yeild. It’s about enjoying the abundance and not missing out….well that’s my interpretation.

My focus for this point is to use the humble chicken.

Oh look at those beautiful chickens.

We feed the chickens and then we get eggs.

we eat the eggs and soon we will sell from our overflow which will pay for the food we feed them.

Another by-product from the chooks is poo.

I use the poo to make more no dig gardens.

That’s free fertilizer.

I also find harvesting the poo quite relaxing and it contributes to my good mental health. (who knew that collecting chicken poo could be so relaxing)

Another by product is the eggs shells, which we crush then using them for various reasons.

I will also add, how relaxing this activity is to do and afterwards my hands feel all nice and smooth.

When the chickens are finished being productive I have no problem with using them as stock.

A soup made from chicken stock is the most comforting food one can ever experience.

I love our chooks and they make me happy and I think that’s the best benefit of having chickens. I love hugging them, being at home with them, I love how they are productive, I love how they sound, I love how they invite me to enjoy the outdoors and I love how I was challenged to build a fence in my backyard.

I have been obtaining my yield with passion and gusto.

When you get into gardening remember to obtain your yield.

How We See

What we see with our eyes can sometimes be completely different from what we see with our heads. This came to me as I read this article,

Brooke Skewes: Chance encounter with a friendly group of Aboriginal men on the train tells a story about us all

The writer, Brooke explains how she boarded a busy train, sat with three aboriginal men and had a friendly encounter. When the men got off the train, a group of ladies got out their knives and made out how terrible it was for that poor lady to have such an encounter. Brooke  then promptly puts the racist persons in their place.

I found this astonishing as,


Could those ladies not see how much fun Brooke was having?  By the sound of the recap, I wished that I was there joining in the conversation. What made these onlookers think that Brooke was in any way concerned for her own welfare?

It is obvious that they were seeing through their racist filtered minds and could not clearly view the reality of the situation. How sad for them, as they make such judgements therefore missing out on meeting good and interesting people. Pathetic too, as clearly racism is an insidious evil that rejects people by just their look, colour and way of being.

We have more than one set of eyes. How do you want to view the world? What is your filter?

I hope that my eyes sees that each person is one who has been fearfully and wonderfully created by a loving God and if I get it wrong I hope that God will give me a big kick up the bum!