#Day 1…..100 Happy Days

This is the photo that started it off. Why did I choose this? Well it was looking at me and the memory surrounding the bunting was a good one. I made it as part of my birthday celebration in March.  I found that having a party was a good excuse to do some event styling.

That was such a great night for me, as missing my 40th had a tinge of sadness. I also loved how all of my mates were together in the one room and the night showed me how far I had come through grief. I believe that night marked a whole new day for me. I’ve been in celebration mode ever since.

What do I celebrate?

My life, it is good. I come from a good family, I have a good family, I have good friends, I go to a good church, I have community around me, I am living the dream and my future is bright.

So now this bunting is on my curtain rod looking groovy and making me feel all gypsy like……….note, this is not a Pintrest fail.

I am happy that i made this bunting

100 Days Of Happiness

Yesterday I completed my 100 happy day challenge  and I was kind of relieved. It was a great thing to do and really wasn’t that difficult , I just had to remember to do it each day.

Here is the link if you want to take a peak of my 100 photo’s 

I have decided that a good writing exercise would be, for me to let each photograph inspire some writing. I won’t do it every day, maybe once a week and  will put each post in the 100 happy day category. I’m looking forward to this, as it will help me stay consistent when writers block tries to muzzle in on my creative territory.

If you want to take the 100 happy day challenge, I highly recommend.