2013 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 4,800 times in 2013. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 4 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

A lovely Family Holiday

Just after Christmas we went away for a short family holiday. We took my Mother in Law along, where she got to spend time with her sister who lives on the way to our destination.

Oh dear, the road trip Macca’s pull. Why do we go there for??

I love these hills. They remind me of velvet

yellow, brown velvet hills. I think it’s a potential poem.

We then drove on to where my brother lives at Batlow.

This is his awesome house

Here’s another shot

It’s so good to see that things have worked out great for my brother and his family. They love the town and it looks like the town may love them. In the past couple of years its been tough as we lost my mum to a terrible illness, on this visit it was obvious that life is falling into place for them in a positive way.  You can read about their adventures through My brothers partner, Funken Wagnel.

Besides spending some time with my family we did a little exploring of the place and walked through this glorious hallway of trees, the Sugar Pine Walk.

After spending two days in lovely Batlow it was time to make a move to where my husbands aunty lives. Our son did nothing but cry for the next hour because he wanted to visit Uncle and cousins and go back to Batlow.

He liked that visit.

While we were at my husbands aunties place (where his mum was), we spontaneously decided to buy chickens!!

You can’t see them all but we got four. Their names are Mr Bean (chosen and named by my son), Gandalf, Audrey and Georgia. They are sooooooooo cute!!!!!!

Now that we are home I feel very refreshed and content. Holidays are good for your soul and I’ve just decided, so are baby chickens.

Out Of Action

For the past couple of weeks our internet has been down and I haven’t been able to write a post. I mean I could give it a go on my smart phone but that’s annoying!!

So Christmas happened, how was your’s?

I went to two lots of carols and enjoyed both. The one at Shellharbour village was pretty good however someone sabotaged the generator and that hindered the performances, yet in spite of that the night was fab. My son had a dip in the harbour and played with other kids. He also got to see the fire works that were set up

fire works

Christmas Eve was pretty awesome too. I went along to a food drive at my old church and got six bags of free food, supplied by Aldi. The best part of the night though, was I saw my old Manager from Pizza Hut and he and his wife are both in the Lord and run the food bank at the church.

Anyway, this is my lovely breakfast of free stuff that I got to enjoy on Christmas morning

Hope you all had a merry Christmas xxxx

Weekly Photo Challenge: Community

The community is made of of many faces such as this crowd at the Carols last Friday night

However, the community is more than just the crowd,

it’s a bloke like this who raised money for a local charity by walking a long distance

or it’s hanging out with my church peeps and putting on a Nativity play for Christmas

or it’s going to the Village markets with my garden peeps

or doing coffee with my support group


Community is you and me.

Very Annoyed Right Now

Just a quick post, as I want to express my annoyance of being unable to leave comments on my previous post, Glasses.

I did not make any changes, I have placed the topic on the forums but have no answers.

Do you lovely people out there know how to fix this problem?


My son has a great teacher called Ally Campbell. 

In his eight years of life he has never, until recently had a successful eye test. Admittedly this has made me feel guilty, as I knew there could be a chance of him having eye problems given he has VCFS.

For the past couple of years life has been very overwhelming and unfortunately a quick trip to the optometrist is not that simple for us. This is where Zachy’s teacher comes into the picture and I am so grateful for her going the extra mile for our family.

Mrs Campbell, found an appropriate optometrist, made the appointment, created a social story, viewed YouTube footage and then came with us to the appointment. As a result my Son was relaxed and even excited to have his eyes tested and we found out that indeed, he needed glasses.

Since he’s been wearing them a whole new world has opened up to him, he looks at people’s faces and is engaging in more conversation, he’s excited when he see’s others wearing glasses, his world has opened up to him and I am so happy for him.

So all thanks to his awesome teacher for making this happen….thank you thank you thank you.

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I love This Comercial….Ho Ho Ho

It’s that time of year again where every business and their dog gets on the Christmas propaganda wave to deliver the season cheer.

Last year this surfing Santa ad came out by Aldi and I immediately loved it. I still love it and so does my son, so if you don’t mind, I would like the share the love….ho ho ho