Play and Imagination

This is a craft/play activity that I did with some children at a play group. I gathered sheets, cardboard boxes, paper of all different kinds and masking tape. We made a jungle theme with a volcano. This kind of play evokes a child’s imagination causing them to be engrossed for hours if possible. It does not cost much to facilitate and it shows what can be done with just what is available.

I’m a big fan of just kids having fun, getting messy and using their imagination. I remember my childhood being one full of fun and adventure. I was the kid who could play for hours in the back yard pretending I was the super hero fairy who could fight crime and climb trees. Wherever possible I like to encourage this kind of play in children. The world wants our kids to grow up to quick. I say let’s not be swayed by the pressure and let kids be kids for as long as possible!!!

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